About Tranexamic Acid

Giving Tranexamic Acid (TXA) as soon as possible and no later than 3 hours will help save the lives of trauma victims, women after childbirth, and also reduces bleeding in patients undergoing surgery


But, what is TXA and how does this drug actually work?


What is TXA?

TXA is the acronym for the drug Tranexamic acid. 

TXA is an antifibrinolytic drug that inhibits the enzymatic breakdown of fibrin blood clots (fibrinolysis). 

Plasminogen is a glycoprotein pro-enzyme produced by the liver that is converted into plasmin by tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). The plasminogen molecule is folded into loops called kringles that stick out like fingers and contain lysine-binding sites. Plasminogen and tPA bind to lysine residues on fibrin leading to localised plasmin formation.

Plasmin splits fibrin into fibrin degradation products. This exposes more lysine residues which bind more plasminogen, thus accelerating fibrinolysis. Plasmin bound to fibrin is less susceptible to inhibitors. TPA also binds to fibrin thus localizing and enhancing plasmin formation. 

TXA is a synthetic analogue of lysine aninhibits fibrinolysis by competing with fibrin for the lysine binding sites in plasminogen. TXA inhibits the capacity of plasminogen and plasmin to bind to fibrin, hence preserving blood clots from plasmin-mediated lysis.

How TXA stops bleeding

TXA is most effective when given as early as possible and no later than 3 hours of injury or childbirth.

But, how does TXA stop

This video explains the mechanism of action of TXA.


TXA must be given quickly and urgently to save lives

This graph shows the analysis of data for 40,000 trauma patients and women with severe bleeding and the impact of treatment delay in giving TXA. 

For every 15-minute delay, there is a 10% decrease in survival benefit.

Impact of TXA treatment delay for severe bleeding TXA clinical trial research tranexamic acid saves lives

Discover More About TXA